No, Guy P. Harrison is not dating the Flying Spaghetti Monster, nor is he in any way associated with Pastafarianism, as foolish as that is.
I picked up two books today. Guy P. Harrison's 50 Reasons People Give for Believing in a God and The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Honestly, I can't choose between which one to read first. I've read the first five chapters of the former and the first few pages of the latter and I can't decide between the augmentation of my noodly soul and what is perhaps the friendliest attempt at challenging theological views in a long time. Now, as far as recommendations go, I say go with Harrison. Most people aren't ready for the divine secrets of the FSM, as their faith must first be diminished. Harrison does a great job of speaking to theists in a way that they won't shut the book after the first chapter. Think of him as the Booker T. Washington compared to Dawkins or Hitchens or Harris as W.E.B. DuBois. I'll post a review of the book once I finish reading it, but so far I'm enjoying it. For any atheists out there, pick up the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster so you can have your eyes opened by His noodly wisdom. If nothing else, it will plant the seeds of truth in your mind. It's something I would recommend to Guy P. Harrison as well.
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